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11 Leagues and Events at Shady Lane Pitch Clear Filters
  NEW LEAGUE, 5v5 (No Goalkeeper); 5 Player Minimum for Full Teams - Rosters up to 8 Players

Monday Soccer 5s March 2025 (Shady Lane Pitch - East)

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More Info

5 vs 5 (no goalie)
8 players included with full team registrations

Gender Rules
At least 2 players from each team on the field must be female.

We follow FIFA guidelines.

Field Time
Guaranteed 7 Games
1 Game per Night Most Weeks

Referees for Each Game

All Necessary Sport Equipment

Color-coordinated team t-shirts for each participant.

Happy Hours
Designated sponsor bar with exclusive SSC specials.

3.3, 3.10, 3.17, 3.24, 3.31, 4.7

7:00 PM, 7:55 PM, 8:50 PM

  NEW LEAGUE, 5v5 (No Goalkeeper); 5 Player Minimum for Full Teams - Rosters up to 8 Players

Tuesday Soccer 5s March 2025 (Shady Lane Pitch - East)

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More Info

5 vs 5 (no goalie)
8 players included with full team registrations

Gender Rules
At least 2 players from each team on the field must be female.

We follow FIFA guidelines.

Field Time
Guaranteed 7 Games
1 Game per Night Most Weeks

Referees for Each Game

All Necessary Sport Equipment

Color-coordinated team t-shirts for each participant.

Happy Hours
Designated sponsor bar with exclusive SSC specials.

3.4, 3.11, 3.18, 3.25, 4.1, 4.8, 4.15

7:00 PM, 7:55 PM

  NEW LEAGUE, 5v5 (No Goalkeeper); 5 Player Minimum for Full Teams - Rosters up to 8 Players

Wednesday Soccer 5s March 2025 (Shady Lane Pitch - East)

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More Info

5 vs 5 (no goalie)
8 players included with full team registrations

Gender Rules
At least 2 players from each team on the field must be female.

We follow FIFA guidelines.

Field Time
Guaranteed 7 Games
1 Game per Night Most Weeks

Referees for Each Game

All Necessary Sport Equipment

Color-coordinated team t-shirts for each participant.

Happy Hours
Designated sponsor bar with exclusive SSC specials.

3.5, 3.12, 3.19, 3.26, 4.2, 4.9, 4.16

7:00 PM, 7:55 PM, 8:50 PM

  5v5 (No Goalkeeper);

Open Play Soccer Shady Lane Pitch 7:00pm-8:30pm

  • Locations: Shady Lane Pitch
  • • Day: Thursday • Starts: Thursday, April 3
    Deadline: Thursday, April 3
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Join us for this exciting weekly 5v5 Soccer pickup in East Austin! In this 90 minute open play, teams compete are divided into 2 teams. This is only open to individual registration. You may request or invite friends like a normal league.

You'll receive playing time in a well-organized event. The SSC staff will check players in, organize teams, explain rules and make sure everything is organized and fun. All you have to do is show up ready to play!

• Free for first week 3/6/25
• $12 per person

Payment is required at time of registration. We do not accept walk-ups or cash on site.

Cancellations made 12 or more hours in advance will automatically receive a refund. No-shows and cancellations made within 12 hours of the start time will not receive a credit. No refunds will be given for the online convenience fee.

What to Expect:
Show up 10-15 minutes early. We do check-in at the Field. You'll need to bring a white/light and a dark colored shirt to differentiate which team you're on. The host will explain the format for the night. We'll start the first games on time. Red, yellow, green shirts are not light or dark. Think white, light gray, black, charcoal, navy blue, brown.
The event host will set up the field, provide game balls, and make sure teams move through the organized format efficiently to get the most out of our playing time. For warm-ups, you may bring your own ball - please be sure to write your name on it in permanent marker.

Level of Play:
This event is open to all levels of play. We do our best to create teams so that games are well-matched. There are no referees, so players need to play with sportsmanship and make their own calls. We aim to make everyone feel welcome at these events.

Please bring your own water and make sure to pick-up your trash.

Do Your Part! Help us keep an accurate guest count!
If you sign up, we're counting on you to be there.

Requirement to play:
This is an adult soccer group and player must be 21 or older. Males and females are welcome to play. There is no required gender ratio but we will try to divide evenly.

What's included in the price?
Your payment helps to cover the rental costs, the hourly pay for your event host, and ensures a well-organized event.


7:00 PM

  5v5 (No Goalkeeper);

Open Play Soccer Shady Lane Pitch 7:00pm-8:30pm

  • Locations: Shady Lane Pitch
  • • Day: Thursday • Starts: Thursday, April 10
    Deadline: Thursday, April 10
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More Info

Join us for this exciting weekly 5v5 Soccer pickup in East Austin! In this 90 minute open play, teams compete are divided into 2 teams. This is only open to individual registration. You may request or invite friends like a normal league.

You'll receive playing time in a well-organized event. The SSC staff will check players in, organize teams, explain rules and make sure everything is organized and fun. All you have to do is show up ready to play!

• Free for first week 3/6/25
• $12 per person

Payment is required at time of registration. We do not accept walk-ups or cash on site.

Cancellations made 12 or more hours in advance will automatically receive a refund. No-shows and cancellations made within 12 hours of the start time will not receive a credit. No refunds will be given for the online convenience fee.

What to Expect:
Show up 10-15 minutes early. We do check-in at the Field. You'll need to bring a white/light and a dark colored shirt to differentiate which team you're on. The host will explain the format for the night. We'll start the first games on time. Red, yellow, green shirts are not light or dark. Think white, light gray, black, charcoal, navy blue, brown.
The event host will set up the field, provide game balls, and make sure teams move through the organized format efficiently to get the most out of our playing time. For warm-ups, you may bring your own ball - please be sure to write your name on it in permanent marker.

Level of Play:
This event is open to all levels of play. We do our best to create teams so that games are well-matched. There are no referees, so players need to play with sportsmanship and make their own calls. We aim to make everyone feel welcome at these events.

Please bring your own water and make sure to pick-up your trash.

Do Your Part! Help us keep an accurate guest count!
If you sign up, we're counting on you to be there.

Requirement to play:
This is an adult soccer group and player must be 21 or older. Males and females are welcome to play. There is no required gender ratio but we will try to divide evenly.

What's included in the price?
Your payment helps to cover the rental costs, the hourly pay for your event host, and ensures a well-organized event.


7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  5v5 (No Goalkeeper);

Open Play Soccer Shady Lane Pitch 7:00pm-8:30pm

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More Info

Join us for this exciting weekly 5v5 Soccer pickup in East Austin! In this 90 minute open play, teams compete are divided into 2 teams. This is only open to individual registration. You may request or invite friends like a normal league.

You'll receive playing time in a well-organized event. The SSC staff will check players in, organize teams, explain rules and make sure everything is organized and fun. All you have to do is show up ready to play!

• Free for first week 3/6/25
• $12 per person

Payment is required at time of registration. We do not accept walk-ups or cash on site.

Cancellations made 12 or more hours in advance will automatically receive a refund. No-shows and cancellations made within 12 hours of the start time will not receive a credit. No refunds will be given for the online convenience fee.

What to Expect:
Show up 10-15 minutes early. We do check-in at the Field. You'll need to bring a white/light and a dark colored shirt to differentiate which team you're on. The host will explain the format for the night. We'll start the first games on time. Red, yellow, green shirts are not light or dark. Think white, light gray, black, charcoal, navy blue, brown.
The event host will set up the field, provide game balls, and make sure teams move through the organized format efficiently to get the most out of our playing time. For warm-ups, you may bring your own ball - please be sure to write your name on it in permanent marker.

Level of Play:
This event is open to all levels of play. We do our best to create teams so that games are well-matched. There are no referees, so players need to play with sportsmanship and make their own calls. We aim to make everyone feel welcome at these events.

Please bring your own water and make sure to pick-up your trash.

Do Your Part! Help us keep an accurate guest count!
If you sign up, we're counting on you to be there.

Requirement to play:
This is an adult soccer group and player must be 21 or older. Males and females are welcome to play. There is no required gender ratio but we will try to divide evenly.

What's included in the price?
Your payment helps to cover the rental costs, the hourly pay for your event host, and ensures a well-organized event.


7:00 PM

  5v5 (No Goalkeeper);

Open Play Soccer Shady Lane Pitch 7:00pm-8:30pm

More Info

More Info

Join us for this exciting weekly 5v5 Soccer pickup in East Austin! In this 90 minute open play, teams compete are divided into 2 teams. This is only open to individual registration. You may request or invite friends like a normal league.

You'll receive playing time in a well-organized event. The SSC staff will check players in, organize teams, explain rules and make sure everything is organized and fun. All you have to do is show up ready to play!

• Free for first week 3/6/25
• $12 per person

Payment is required at time of registration. We do not accept walk-ups or cash on site.

Cancellations made 12 or more hours in advance will automatically receive a refund. No-shows and cancellations made within 12 hours of the start time will not receive a credit. No refunds will be given for the online convenience fee.

What to Expect:
Show up 10-15 minutes early. We do check-in at the Field. You'll need to bring a white/light and a dark colored shirt to differentiate which team you're on. The host will explain the format for the night. We'll start the first games on time. Red, yellow, green shirts are not light or dark. Think white, light gray, black, charcoal, navy blue, brown.
The event host will set up the field, provide game balls, and make sure teams move through the organized format efficiently to get the most out of our playing time. For warm-ups, you may bring your own ball - please be sure to write your name on it in permanent marker.

Level of Play:
This event is open to all levels of play. We do our best to create teams so that games are well-matched. There are no referees, so players need to play with sportsmanship and make their own calls. We aim to make everyone feel welcome at these events.

Please bring your own water and make sure to pick-up your trash.

Do Your Part! Help us keep an accurate guest count!
If you sign up, we're counting on you to be there.

Requirement to play:
This is an adult soccer group and player must be 21 or older. Males and females are welcome to play. There is no required gender ratio but we will try to divide evenly.

What's included in the price?
Your payment helps to cover the rental costs, the hourly pay for your event host, and ensures a well-organized event.


7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  NEW LEAGUE, 5v5 (No Goalkeeper); 5 Player Minimum for Full Teams - Rosters up to 8 Players

Monday Soccer 5s April 2025 (Shady Lane Pitch - East)

  • Locations: Shady Lane Pitch
  • • Day: Monday • Starts: Monday, April 28
    Deadline: Friday, April 18
More Info
More Info

5 vs 5 (no goalie)
8 players included with full team registrations

Gender Rules
At least 2 players from each team on the field must be female.

We follow FIFA guidelines.

Field Time
Guaranteed 7 Games
1 Game per Night Most Weeks

Referees for Each Game

All Necessary Sport Equipment

Color-coordinated team t-shirts for each participant.

Happy Hours
Designated sponsor bar with exclusive SSC specials.

4.28, 5.5, 5.12, 5.19, 6.2, 6.9, 6.16

7:00 PM, 7:55 PM, 8:50 PM

  NEW LEAGUE, 5v5 (No Goalkeeper); 5 Player Minimum for Full Teams - Rosters up to 8 Players

Tuesday Soccer 5s April 2025 (Shady Lane Pitch - East)

  • Locations: Shady Lane Pitch
  • • Day: Tuesday • Starts: Tuesday, April 29
    Deadline: Friday, April 18
More Info
More Info

5 vs 5 (no goalie)
8 players included with full team registrations

Gender Rules
At least 2 players from each team on the field must be female.

We follow FIFA guidelines.

Field Time
Guaranteed 7 Games
1 Game per Night Most Weeks

Referees for Each Game

All Necessary Sport Equipment

Color-coordinated team t-shirts for each participant.

Happy Hours
Designated sponsor bar with exclusive SSC specials.

4.29, 5.6, 5.13, 5.20, 5.27, 6.3, 6.10

7:00 PM, 7:55 PM

  NEW LEAGUE, 5v5 (No Goalkeeper); 5 Player Minimum for Full Teams - Rosters up to 8 Players

Wednesday Soccer 5s April 2025 (Shady Lane Pitch - East)

  • Locations: Shady Lane Pitch
  • • Day: Wednesday • Starts: Wednesday, April 30
    Deadline: Friday, April 18
More Info
More Info

5 vs 5 (no goalie)
8 players included with full team registrations

Gender Rules
At least 2 players from each team on the field must be female.

We follow FIFA guidelines.

Field Time
Guaranteed 7 Games
1 Game per Night Most Weeks

Referees for Each Game

All Necessary Sport Equipment

Color-coordinated team t-shirts for each participant.

Happy Hours
Designated sponsor bar with exclusive SSC specials.

4.30, 5.7, 5.14, 5.21, 5.28, 6.4, 6.11

7:00 PM, 7:55 PM, 8:50 PM

  NEW LEAGUE, 5v5 (No Goalkeeper); 5 Player Minimum for Full Teams - Rosters up to 8 Players

Thursday Soccer 5s May 2025 (Shady Lane Pitch - East)

  • Locations: Shady Lane Pitch
  • • Day: Thursday • Starts: Thursday, May 1
    Deadline: Friday, April 18
More Info
More Info

5 vs 5 (no goalie)
8 players included with full team registrations

Gender Rules
At least 2 players from each team on the field must be female.

We follow FIFA guidelines.

Field Time
Guaranteed 7 Games
1 Game per Night Most Weeks

Referees for Each Game

All Necessary Sport Equipment

Color-coordinated team t-shirts for each participant.

Happy Hours
Designated sponsor bar with exclusive SSC specials.

5.1, 5.8, 5.15, 5.22, 5.29, 6.5, 6.12

7:00 PM, 7:55 PM, 8:50 PM